Lone Fir


May 9- 10, 2015

Travelled I – 90 to Moses Lake cutting north through Soap Lake, Dry Falls, Brewster, Pateros , Winthrop, and onto the North Cascade Highway 20.  Stayed in the cold snow covered campground of Lone Fir.  Lone Fir is the last Campground before Washington and Rainy Pass.  Departing in the morning as the sun highlighting the peaks, the last campsite is found to have a discarded BBQ!  Trashholes anonymous brings white trash to the North Cascades.

Through the passes with peeks at peaks.  Canyon Creek Trail to  Beebe Cabin at the confluence of Canyon Creek and Granite Creek where brave dog braves Granite Creek Bridge!

A vulture is flushed overlooking stream trail near the Marblemount Fish Hatchery.  Would think crossing paths with a turkey vulture would be considered more  “mal de chance” then  black cat.

Angst while driving Diablo Dam Road to hike on Ross Lake Trail Passing the North Cascade Institute happened upon pile of deer bones arranged neatly on path.  Small herd of mule deer in the forest, unafraid ? tamed and undaunted by the bone pile one approaches within 5 yards despite the quivering alert sitting silent golden.

With Crux Ansata completion angst unfolds to frustration as the accompanying literature is entirely inappropriate to the trip.  Fortunately F250 stocked with nature references affording encountered feathered Genus species identifications.  The day has brought endear and enduring taunting from Corvus brachyrhynchos, ubiquitous Turdus migratorius and aerial approaches of Salasphorus rufous.


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