Amazing Crepes and connectivity catch up prior to look see at Stumptown Historical Society‘s restored Great Northern Depot. And the type of old friends that picks up where left off. Avant-ski anxious turkeys take to trees. Fog capping the top of Whitefish Big Mountain enubilates to blue during mid a.m., turning into a straight up alpine downhill blast of a time. A high five to ski Jesus then Hellroaring apres-ski on the sunny deck sipping Jamesons. Tired wabbit legs ridge hike for ensorcell views of the Stillwater River Valley once part of the glacier Lake Missoula. ~15000 years ago waves lapped these foothills and then in intermittent retreats of the glacier, the lake became “Bretz Floods” so that, over time the great Lake Missoula was drained leaving this bowl shaped valley and Flathead Lake.