Hexagram 12: Pi / Standstill


“Overflow Parking”

Standstill, Obstruction

The Astar’s stinger sundials a midday shadow on the hot tarmac of the “Doctors Parking Only” lot. The empty lot is cordoned and, temporally, the designated hospital LZ while the 13th floor roof helipad undergoes resurfacing and repainting the red on a circular white background “H”. Dry midsummer heat rises in visual waves off the cordoned lot. Compelled by the beeper in coverage, the “called in” flight pending crew off nights beelines on a heading to/through the ER hospital entrance. A short cut cuts across the lot past the idle rotorcraft. Even with “shut down” the tail rotor normally draws a wary regard but in this regard, there is detail out of the ordinary. Liquid, dark and dripping off the stinger. A sangria colors the detailed red and white helicopter, streaks extend along the tail boom and ooze collecting in small coagulating puddles under the fuselage.

A frantic resuscitation attempt “in flight” of a rapid air transport from a highway trauma. RBCS spreading uncontrolled from multiple sites, encouraged by anticoagulation into an unstoppable exsanguination. The blood, drawn by airborne gravity coats in an unholy bath leaving solemn decontamination the last rites. But here the magnitude of this task overwhelms the normal gloves, rags, cidex spray procedure of cleaning . The helicopter lifts to the hanger to be partially dismantled before completely sprayed down. The backup bird is brought into the lineup. And the day crew, now also “out of service” sit in exhausted fugue, a surreal time shift vacancy, struggling in reliving, dissecting events that are now required documentation.