Detilion Campground – Spokane River

MAY 28 – 30, 2015

Detilion NPS CG

Spokane River Arm Lake Roosevelt


Prior to launch at Porcupine Bay, spoke with unhappy fishers putting out who complained of lack of fish and weather conditions that included rain and hail.  Weather report for weekend is “sunny”.  Noted that the boat trailer tires were essentially flat, that lug nuts are different then standard and, of course, no spare.  Launch under sunny conditions and head to Detilion CG.  CG picnic table has water soaked copy of old Playboy magazine.  Had forgotten past appreciation of the articles.  Along the south shore finally identify my first Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) after all these years.  Arrive CG and set up camp.  Water still very low.  With increasing gray skies attempt trolling along this shore and catch several Largemouth Bass and two very small but edible Walleye.  Two of the bass are sizable.  Increasing rumbling from above drives me to shore and shelter where and brief but impressive squall armed with electricity provides a short wet light show.  Coyotes and owls advise options concerning trailer tires while slipping into sleep.  Era asleep under Hennessy hammock.

Morning under gray skies with breakfast of coffee and oranges.  First fishing bring more bass, bunch of small walleye and one “keeper”  which becomes the story for the day.  Have officially caught fishes today in Porcupine Bay. 

As evening approaches, dinner with fresh fried walleye, another boat arrives, and two set up camp nearby.

Bonus Flashback Story:  Recall years ago camping same CG and similarly having finished meal of fresh walleye, basking in the evening quiet on the river when a small pontoon/houseboat appears from downriver bend blasting in  continuous repetition the song Bobby Ferrins “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” from mounted speakers.  Disruptive cacophony contradicts the music of worry and happy.

This time the increasing sound is not popmusic but another blast from nature in the form of a severe thunderstorm.  Lightning to the ground in orange flashes leaving the scent of ozone O3, downpour and almost forcing retreat to outhouse.  30 minutes of tumult (reducing Era to shaking) finally breaks briefly to a double rainbow.  With the temperature down about 20 degrees, a scramble to re gear into warmer drier attire.  Decide to break camp in morning, fish along north shore, put out and deal with tires.  Angst tires.

Misty morning with launch across to old cemetery located on Spokane Reservation.  Sighted river otter floating on back eating fish!  Several more small bass and walleye not worth knifing.

Arrive Porcupine Bay to find that tires are low but not flat.  After boat is out, meet and talk with NPS ranger and NPS volunteer in parking lot.  Volunteer provides a small hand operated pump that allows the tires to be filled enough to assuade angst. “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” finally.

Half way to Davenport, phone goes back onto grid and provides several warning texts concerning “Severe Weather Alert” – “Severe Thunderstorms” which is quite different from “sunny” forecast.

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