Star Meadow Guard Station


February 6th – 7th

Grateful goodbyes to KM Ranch Road residents with next stop Star Meadows Cabin. Luxury to elegance. Pseudo owls perch protecting the cabin from flickers and Gray Jays cautiously approach.   
DSCN0584aMorning meadow onomatopoeia ic hike winding through conifer shades with a cautious “crunch crunch” of ice and packed snow. Star Creek gurgling under the ice cover. Snow highlighted by the sun a “slush slush” sound under step.
In the sun outside Star Meadow Cabin the jays still cannot be enticed to hand land. DSCN0554aDays like this are a revelation for how much healing that still needs to be done. Here, an awe, this surrounding grumbling and gurgling life gestalt.