Swan Guard Station


February 29th-March 2nd

Out of the rustic shack back to Philipsburg for a shower at the local laundry mat/shower/pizza establishment.DSCN0371a At a small airfield an open hanger exposes a small fixed wing (?) racer. From the airfield looking southeast views of Discovery Ski Area are visible over the hanger.

Then, North on Hwy 1 back to Drummond, west I90 to Missoula. At the Green Hanger Laundry in Missoula there is free wifi. Customers wait for their wash while watching Criminal Minds.

Or, browse the net.

Destination northeast on Hwy 200, north on 83 to Swan Lake and the Swan Guard Station. DSCN0376aAlong 200 a second small herd of bighorn sheep graze at the base of cliffs. Later, an eagle lifting away from a deer scavenge has a bloody head. A rough legged hawk (Buteo lagopus) balanced clutching power line near Bob Marshal Wilderness.

What luxury, with electricity, a furnace, a propane gas stove top and intermittent phone connection.

A visit to the Flathead Ranger Station of Big Fork where Derrick, Eric and Echo (Can’t make that up) advise on hiking and skiing trails. There are names that are fun for the mouth…Gwen Stephanie, Antonio Banderas…Derrick, Eric and Echo. Coincidentally at the time a call comes in from the previous cabin renters looking for a missing green jacket.

A long afternoon hike along the Swan River  ( it rains) then back to Swan Guard. DSCN0434aMoving from lost and to found, sitting wet in the snow around the corner of the deck of luxury is a green jacket.

Just south of the Swan Guard, a NFS road “Porcupine Creek” that is snow covered ski able and that leads to the Swan River. The road is covered with prints and many are of moose.

DSCN0502bTo Big Fork for a much needed oil change. At Wayfarers State Park, a walk along the glacier rock shore of Flathead Lake and up to a ridge with a long lake view. It rains. Back to Swan Guard.


Cabin clean up and out to repeat ski on NFS 10229. There is intermittent sun, then a brief snow that shows fresh moose prints sans moose.

Destination Whitefish with a small detour bringing found green jacket to the care of Derrick, Eric and Echo (oral weeeeee!).
