Hexagram 10: Lu / Treading

“Near Swimming”

Treading, Sky above, Water below


Monday midday and morning sunlight is sliced through the rotor blades eliciting  a series of


Acutely opened and awake, long stretch tired eyes are shocked by this sudden blinking brightness. Following 64 hours of surreal chaos and, now an awakening page of an “on scene” launch. The near day high … is hot , the maroon nomex flight suit … is hot, the Astar is hot and fueled heavy. From the roof, a lift and drop to a close scene. Ground communication with air traffic, with the communication center and with ground command mixes in a cacophony of squelch, tones and numbers. The first call reports a drowning but radio traffic suggests that it is still a river search. Through the conifers, the river is clear and slight blue green at depth. Circling the scene, the sunlight spins shadows into light, then into shadows making the helicopter cabin a sundial. Below, the helicopter shadow passes through and over river’s shore seeming to weave through rescue staff, firetrucks, ambulances and several law enforcement vehicles.. all blinking. In the river bottom, a depth transition of darker watery colors, a body is laying motionless and starkly visible from above. The concentration of river search is foucused  upstream. “They are looking in the wrong direction.. they have no visual and are too far upstream”. Pilot informs ground contact. In the next circle there is a shift in the search.

A descent and transition into landing onto the secure LZ and into